18 Dec 24
Emergency Contacts Christmas Period – click this link
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Emergency numbers for the Christmas period that Rotherham Foodbank is closed Citizens Advice Rotherham: 01709 515680 Samaritans Freephone: 116 123 Homeless support: 01709 336009 for help Rotherham safeguarding adult: 01709 822330 Safeguarding Hub (MASH): 01709 336080. Rotherham Children and Young People’s Social Services out of hours is: 01709 336080
18 Dec 24
Christmas 2024 Foodbank Closure Period – click this link
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The foodbank will be closed at The Unity Centre (Client Collections) from 12:15 Tuesday 24th December, The Warehouse (Alexandra Centre, Parkgate) from 12:30 Tuesday 24th December. Both will reopen at 09:30 on Thursday 2nd January 2025.
2 Nov 24
Parkgate warehouse facility now open for donations
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Please dropoff donations at our new warehouse facility if possible, thank you. Tuesday & Thursday 09:30 to 12:15 Rotherham Foodbank Warehouse Unit 22, Alexandra Centre Rail Mill Way Rotherham S62 6JE
1 Nov 24
Scan our Facebook QR Code with your phone and keep up to date with the latest news – don’t forget to like and follow our Page
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1 Nov 24
Please remember to bring shopping bags
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We only have a limited supply of donated shopping bags, please remember to bring some with you when you collect your food parcel.
8 Jun 23
Up and Running
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We have recently undergone a change in location. We left our old premises behind at Grove Rd, and have in the last few weeks moved into the Unity Centre, St Leonard’s Rd, Eastwood, S65 1PD. As expected we have had a few teething problems, but are starting to find our feet again and get back […]
2 Sep 21
Harvest Approaching
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We’ve just pulled into September, which means Harvest Festival is fast approaching! Every year so many of you donate, set up harvest collections, and host other events to donate, which is simply incredible! We really do appreciate every single donation, no matter how big or small, it all adds up. This year more than ever […]
11 May 21
Thank You Colin!!
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As many of you will have already seen from our social media accounts, but it is with great sadness that I share the news with you that Colin Brookes, who has served with Rotherham Foodbank since the start of 2014, passed away on Wednesday evening after sustaining a broken leg in a fall. Colin was in […]
22 Apr 21
Crazy Statistics!
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Some crazy numbers here! Figures this high are both good and bad; good in the sense that it means we were able to meet more peoples needs in last year compared to the year before even with the pandemic restrictions, but also so sad that the level of need for Foodbanks is still so high, […]
6 Apr 21
New Financial Year
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We’re just heading into the new financial year, so here’s some statistics for you! In the last month alone we handed out almost 4 tonnes of food to desperately needy people, which is incredible, especially given that we rely solely on donations to be able to meet those needs – that is a crazy amount […]